Niagia Santuah

and 3 more

This study consists of a comprehensive literature review and a qualitative field research to gather empirical data through key informant interviews and focus groups. Using both scientific and indigenous methodologies the study assessed the suitability of the FAO inspired four dimensions food security framework smallholder farmers in Kasem-speaking people in contiguous communities between northern Ghana and southern Burkina Faso. Indigenous methodologies included gathering of wise sayings, proverbs, poems, songs, and riddles. The use of indigenous methodologies was justified because the analysis of Kasem proverbs, expressions and songs give insights into the deeper meanings of cultural concepts and images, which inform their daily practices (Cassiman, 2006). Appreciative Inquiry technique of data collection was used, as it builds on the strengths of the existing system and also emphasizes the practical use of the results of research (Wilson, 2008). Scientific methodologies are inadequate for accessing knowledge in the metaphysical realm which is a key aspect of the worldview of indigenous people. Privacy of participants and confidentiality of information was protected throughout the research. To further protect the confidentiality and also obviate the need for documentation of names of study participants, the study opted for verbal informed consent and assent instead of written. Verbal consent was obtained from participants before interviews were conducted. Identification numbers were assigned to transcripts for organizational purposes only; to indicate the data source category and date. Any potential research participants who chose not to participate, or withdrew their participation during the interview, were cordially thanked for their time and excused. Though a purely qualitative study, data were analysed quantitatively to generate graphs and tables to assess the distribution of opinion on key variables while verbatim quotations were used to support the quantitative information.