‘Globalization’, a term that was denied in communist countries as they looked at it as destructing factor in economic development. It was considered as negative element to divert respective country’s resources. Fact remains same when fellow citizens see globalization as outright selling of resources or buying resources from other nations to demolish their own production. Karl Marx in 18th century propaganded how future will be entangled in capitalism and his views cannot be abandoned by any modern economist or governments. The World has become small such that communication and trade has gone beyond borders. While the war between communism and capitalism being kept apart, today notion is about getting global. Present World has extended its boundaries. This requires attention and needs to be divulged to world at large. One can understand the best platform to communication a concept is through education. It is a strong and powerful medium to introduce agendas that can be implemented. A constructive model is submitted through this research paper. Limkokwing University of Malaysia has been taken as element to derive a model for this research study whereby it represents as one of the best institution to broadcast globalization through its visionary approach of having diversified cultures and nationalities in one institution. This University integrates students and their traditions from all corners of World. There are exemplary evidence to build the unity among people irrespective of races and ethnicities within their campuses. Based on this, a distinguished model has been framed and tested with sample of 52 economist from Banking sector, Economic Planning Commission, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, United Nations and Academia from Malaysia. They were surveyed and interviewed. This Mixed mode research is built upon Theory of Liberalism which illustrates globalization as market-led extension of modernization. This research paper focuses to submit a deliberate model on Economics to vehicle the merits of Globalization. Measures has been taken to rise the flag of concept than the instrument. Severe emphasis is laid on promoting LIME model than other variants. SmartPLS 3.0 version software package was used to analyze the quantitative data and phenomenological analysis was used to analyze qualitative data. (Key words: Globalization, Limkokwing University, LIME Model)