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David Bonan

and 2 more

Improved knowledge of the contributing sources of uncertainty in projections of Arctic sea ice over the 21st century is essential for evaluating impacts of a changing Arctic environment. Here, we consider the role of internal variability, model structure and emissions scenario in projections of Arctic sea-ice area (SIA) by using six single model initial-condition large ensembles and a suite of models participating in Phase 5 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project. For projections of September Arctic SIA change, internal variability accounts for as much as 40-60% of the total uncertainty in the next decade, while emissions scenario dominates uncertainty toward the end of the century. Model structure accounts for approximately 60-70% of the total uncertainty by mid-century and declines to 30% at the end of the 21st century during the summer months. For projections of wintertime Arctic SIA change, internal variability contributes as much as 50-60% of the total uncertainty in the next decade and impacts total uncertainty at longer lead times when compared to the summertime. Model structure contributes most of the remaining uncertainty with emissions scenario contributing little to the total uncertainty during the winter months. At regional scales, the contribution of internal variability can vary widely and strongly depends on the month and region. For wintertime SIA change in the GIN and Barents Seas, internal variability contributes approximately 60-70% to the total uncertainty over the coming decades and remains important much longer than in other regions. We further find that the relative contribution of internal variability to total uncertainty is state-dependent and increases as sea ice volume declines. These results demonstrate the need to improve the representation of internal variability of Arctic SIA in models, which is a significant source of uncertainty in future projections.

Jennifer E Kay

and 14 more

This study isolates the influence of sea ice mean state on pre-industrial climate and transient 1850-2100 climate change within a fully coupled global model: The Community Earth System Model version 2 (CESM2). The CESM2 sea ice model physics is modified to increase surface albedo, reduce surface sea ice melt, and increase Arctic sea ice thickness and late summer cover. Importantly, increased Arctic sea ice in the modified model reduces a present-day late-summer ice cover bias. Of interest to coupled model development, this bias reduction is realized without degrading the global simulation including top-of-atmosphere energy imbalance, surface temperature, surface precipitation, and major modes of climate variability. The influence of these sea ice physics changes on transient 1850-2100 climate change is compared within a large initial condition ensemble framework. Despite similar global warming, the modified model with thicker Arctic sea ice than CESM2 has a delayed and more realistic transition to a seasonally ice free Arctic Ocean. Differences in transient climate change between the modified model and CESM2 are challenging to detect due to large internally generated climate variability. In particular, two common sea ice benchmarks - sea ice sensitivity and sea ice trends - are of limited value for comparing models with similar global warming. More broadly, these results show the importance of a reasonable Arctic sea ice mean state when simulating the transition to an ice-free Arctic Ocean in a warming world. Additionally, this work highlights the importance of large initial condition ensembles for credible model-to-model and observation-model comparisons.
Many modern sea ice models used in global climate models represent the subgrid-scale heterogeneity in sea ice thickness with an ice thickness distribution (ITD), which improves model realism by representing the significant impact of the high spatial heterogeneity of sea ice thickness on thermodynamic and dynamic processes. Most models default to five thickness categories. However, little has been done to explore the effects of the resolution of this distribution (number of categories) on sea-ice feedbacks in a coupled model framework and resulting representation of the sea ice mean state. Here, we explore this using sensitivity experiments in CESM2 with the standard five ice thickness categories and fifteen ice thickness categories. Increasing the resolution of the ITD in a run with preindustrial climate forcing results in substantially thicker Arctic sea ice year-round. Analyses show that this is a result of the ITD influence on ice strength. With 15 ITD categories, weaker ice occurs for the same average thickness, resulting in a higher fraction of ridged sea ice. In contrast, the higher resolution of thin ice categories results in enhanced heat conduction and bottom growth and leads to only somewhat increased winter Antarctic sea ice. The spatial resolution of the ICESat-2 satellite mission provides a new opportunity to compare model outputs with observations of seasonal evolution of the ITD in the Arctic (ICESat-2; 2018-2021). Comparisons highlight significant differences from the ITD modeled with both runs over this period, likely pointing to underlying issues contributing to the representation of average thickness.

Julio T. Bacmeister

and 11 more

We examine the response of the Community Earth System Model versions 1 and 2 (CESM1 and CESM2) to abrupt quadrupling of atmospheric CO$_2$ concentrations (4xCO2) and to 1% annually increasing CO2 concentrations (1%CO2). Different estimates of equilibrium climate sensitivity (ECS) for CESM1 and CESM2 are presented. All estimates show that the sensitivity of CESM2 has increased by 1.5K or more over that of CESM1. At the same time the transient climate response (TCR) of CESM1 and CESM2 derived from 1%CO2 experiments has not changed significantly - 2.1K in CESM1 and 2.0K in CESM2. Increased initial forcing as well as stronger shortwave radiation feedbacks are responsible for the increase in ECS seen in CESM2. A decomposition of regional radiation feedbacks and their contribution to global feedbacks shows that the Southern Ocean plays a key role in the overall behavior of 4xCO2 experiments, accounting for about 50% of the total shortwave feedback in both CESM1 and CESM2. The Southern Ocean is also responsible for around half of the increase in shortwave feedback between CESM1 and CESM2, with a comparable contribution arising over tropical ocean. Experiments using a thermodynamic slab-ocean model (SOM) yield estimates of ECS that are in remarkable agreement with those from fully-coupled earth system model (ESM) experiments for the same level of CO2 increase. Finally, we show that the similarity of TCR in CESM1 and CESM2 masks significant regional differences in warming that occur in the 1%CO2 experiments for each model.

Marilyn Raphael

and 3 more

Understanding the variability of Antarctic sea ice is an ongoing challenge given the limitations of observed data. Coupled climate model simulations present the opportunity to examine this variability in Antarctic sea ice. Here, the daily sea ice extent simulated by the newly-released National Center for Atmospheric Research Community Earth System Model Version 2 (CESM2) for the historical period (1979-2014), is compared to the satellite-observed daily sea ice extent for the same period. The comparisons are made using a newly-developed suite of statistical metrics that estimates the variability of the sea ice extent on timescales ranging from the long-term decadal to the short term, intra-day scales. Assessed are the annual cycle, trend, day-to-day change, and the volatility, a new statistic that estimates the variability at the daily scale. Results show that the trend in observed daily sea ice is dominated by sub-decadal variability with a weak positive linear trend superimposed. The CESM2 simulates this sub-decadal variability with a strong negative linear trend superimposed. The CESM2’s annual cycle is similar in amplitude to the observed, a key difference being the timing of ice advance and retreat. The sea ice begins it advance later, reaches its maximum later and begins retreat later in the CESM2. This is confirmed by the day-to-day change. Apparent in all of the sea ice regions, this behavior suggests the influence of the semi-annual oscillation of the circumpolar trough. The volatility, which is associated with smaller scale dynamics such as storms, is smaller in the CESM2 than observed.