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Missing Links in Higher Education: Thoughts on how NEP 2020 will Realize its Vision into Reality in India
  • Divya Sharma
Divya Sharma

Corresponding Author:[email protected]

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The article is an original write up which emerged due to the recent upheavals in the Higher Education (HE) in India. In spite of the reforms and restructuring to pave the way for implementation of NEP 2020 in higher education, the HEIs in India are in news for all the wrong reasons. The suicide cases and subsequent cognizance of the same by the judiciary of India is a matter of grave concern. The declining well-being of the stakeholders involved in the affairs of Higher Education and apologetic state of affairs in admission, examination and teaching learning is placing India nowhere on the world map of Education. The article speaks about three missing points which needs to be addressed urgently. The first missing link talks about a dignified, eminent and visionary leader, the second is about the power struggle between the administration & the academia and third the students who becomes the guinea pig for all the trials and tortures that emerges as a result of continuous conflict, dissatisfaction and discontent. Finally, the paradoxes pertinent in Higher Education needs to be resolved at the supersonic speed with ultimate precisions if we as Indians wish to tell the world that we have the best education system of the world and there is no better place than India for educational tourism.
25 Feb 2024Submitted to Advance
25 Jun 2024Published in Advance