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Impact of Automation on Employable Mass: A Critical Analysis on Current and Future Employees
  • Kshitiz Sharma,
  • Ankit Shrivastav
Kshitiz Sharma
ABBS School of Management

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Ankit Shrivastav
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Purpose: The purpose of the study is to find out the impact of automation on the mindset of existing employees as well as job seekers, the study is to know the perception towards the automation whether it has a positive or negative impact and also to study whether automation would pose a threat to upcoming jobs.
Methodology: The first phase of research analogies was conducted by framing a questionnaire tackling specific points of the research at hand. The questionnaire was then circulated among the existing employees and also who were seeking jobs and then 131 prompt responses were taken from the entire sample size to research upon form the entire population. The application is used to conduct the research and the data is analysed using SPSS version 22 and regression is used to conduct the analysis. The data has been compiled in the keynote format and has been used to show a vivid description of the entire raw conglomerate data and has finally been extrapolated into a proper, finished informative product.
Findings: According to the result, the impact of automation on existing employees is less than as compared to job seekers (employable mass). Job seekers are mostly concerned about the employment because as of now automation is limited to an extent but soon in no time the industries would be transformed with fully automated process and the jobs will be curtailed.