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The Future of Literature
  • Udaya Narayana Singh
Udaya Narayana Singh
Amity University Haryana (Gurgaon, India)

Corresponding Author:[email protected]

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Creative writing has assumed an unprecedented challenge with the introduction of various story-telling platforms hitherto unheard of, and with the introduction of the smartphone with various Apps and facilities. Teaching of languages and linguistics must therefore consider these new challenges in the field of literature. Add to that the rising demand for suitable reading materials that has increased manifold. Added to that has emerged the AI-driven or AI-based writing boards where one could order a ChatBot to write in a certain manner. While there was once a lamentation for loss of readers, there are giant industries that have come up on the art and science of reading and finding –an address, a long-lost friend, or even a forgotten author or a text. Considering the ‘Demand-and-Supply’ of creative endeavours of all kinds, our ‘Need’ has been the driving force for good writing, grand theatre, soothing music or great piece of art until the 19th century. The 20th Century saw grand collapses, where ‘Want’ became the main economic driver. Writing turned into luxury goods, the consequence is that they must satisfy the requirements of the Age of Want now. The publishers would now be looking for expansion of their market bases by identifying the potential buyers in bulk. In an Information Age, the mechanism or ability to hit upon what is ‘right’ is the biggest challenge – the right quote, or the right direction, or the right step, including the right adjective and expression – all of which will lead to better marketing of writing. The paper also looks at the emergence and spread of texts in ancient Indian tradition in comparison. Lastly, the readers today like to feel a reverberation as they read a text – a sort of partial familiarity with the story or narrative style to feel as if the story is ‘owned’ by them – it was their story being told by an author.  The paper discusses some of these issues that will determine what the literature of the future will be, or what the future of literature is.