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Assessment Methods in Physical Education
  • Yiguo Xu,
  • Shuang Zhao,
  • Zhiying Cao
Yiguo Xu
Department of Physical Education, Dankook University

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Shuang Zhao
Department of Physical Education, Dankook University
Zhiying Cao
Graduate School, Dankook University


This research has investigated diverse assessment methodologies in physical education to evaluate students' physical abilities, skill acquisition, and overall health outcomes. The study has critically examined the effectiveness of various assessment techniques, including traditional tests, skill-based assessments, and selfassessment strategies. Through a comprehensive literature review and empirical analysis, this research has explored the strengths, limitations, and applicability of different assessment methods in measuring students' progress and performance in physical education. It aimed to identify innovative and reliable assessment approaches that align with the multifaceted nature of physical skill development and activity. The insights derived from this research are intended to inform educators, curriculum developers, and policymakers about the significance of appropriate assessment practices in physical education. By highlighting the importance of valid and reliable assessment tools, this research aims to play a part in the refinement of assessment strategies, thereby enhancing the quality of physical education programs.
02 Apr 2024Submitted to Advance
09 Apr 2024Published in Advance