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Curing the Middle East State System: The Urgent Need to Innovate Strategy for Diplomatic Intervention
  • Torgeir E. Fjaertoft
Torgeir E. Fjaertoft
Royal Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Corresponding Author:[email protected]

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The methodology of this article works with the standard procedure in diplomatic fact-finding and analyses, abductive reasoning from confidential conversations. The article follows the standard procedure for drawing on confidential conversations, Chatham House Rule, abbreviated CHR. What someone says may be quoted, but the identity of sources and their affiliated institutions remain confidential.
The author denotes this methodology exploratory conversation, inferring by active listening. This article presents the author’s research by exploratory conversations in all four states that form the Middle East state system, Turkey, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey, and sources from these states at various international venues. The conversations span the period from 2011 to 2017.
By this methodology, the researcher may gain insights into the underlying mental models that form the group identities. In mental models, language constructs the shared sense of social reality and serve as repository of vast accumulations of meaning and experience.