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Questionnaire Survey Methodology in Educational and Social Science Studies
  • Reuben Bihu
Reuben Bihu
University of Dar es Salaam

Corresponding Author:[email protected]

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Questionnaire surveys dominate the methodological designs in educational and social studies, particularly in developing countries. It is conceived practically easy to adopt study protocols under the design, and of course, most researchers would prefer using questionnaire survey studies designed in the most simple ways. Such studies provide the most economical way of gathering information from representations giving data that apply to general populations. As such, the desire for cost management and redeeming time have caused many researchers to adapt, adopt and apply the designs, even where it doesn't qualify for the study contexts. Consequently, they are confronted by managing consistent errors and mismatching study protocols and methodologies. However, the benefits of using the design are real and popular even to novice researchers, and the problems arising from the design are always easily addressed by experienced researchers.