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  • Becky Glisson,
  • Jillian. Skelton
Becky Glisson

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Jillian. Skelton
Author Profile


This quantitative, quasi-experimental study examined the leadership skills of pre-service and career teachers to determine how education influences leadership skills when assessed by two valid and reliable leadership assessments. The general problem was some teachers leave the field of education, due to lack of effective leadership skills in managing the classroom to include practicing leadership power skills, organizational skills, and classroom management skills. This study has revealed the significance of how engaging in effectual leadership skill instruction by embracing leadership power skills and organizational skills, which may assist teachers remaining in the educational domain. The theoretical framework most closely related to this study was transformational leadership theory and concerned whether or not leadership skills can be learned. Three research questions were analyzed and the findings affirmed the second and third hypotheses. The summary of results determined most teachers were rewarding, legitimate, expert, referent, or coercive leaders. The findings suggested doctoral level research was successfully conducted; leadership skills can be learned and further research was recommended. The conclusion was hope was given to future students and future teachers who enroll in leadership training programs. Recommendations derived from this study included universities should require mandatory leadership classes be offered to most all students, especially educational students; continued professional development seminars to career teachers was encouraged in order to educate and support career teachers as they develop into successful leaders in their classrooms, communities, and throughout the United States.