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Music Performance Anxiety Among Undergraduates Piano Majors
  • Auliya Ayu Annisa,
  • Rita Milyartini
Auliya Ayu Annisa
Indonesia University of Education

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Rita Milyartini
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The experience of anxiety when performing music is considered problematic for musicians of various levels. Feelings of fear and nervousness when perform music in front of audience also happened in pianist. By knowing the concept of anxiety, hopes both lecturer and students can reduce this syndrome. This article aims to determine the characteristics of anxiety that appear in undergraduates piano majors. Literature review method was conduct to search information related to MPA on undergraduates piano majors. The results of this study are MPA in undergraduates piano majors occurs due to internal factors including gender, lack of practice, perfectionist student character and piano students' perceptions of the audience and the future careers and external factors which include the piano learning process mostly uses a teacher centered approach, teacher and audience evaluations of piano student performances, and room conditions.