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Exploring clinical practice and developing clinician self-reflection through cross self-confrontation methodology: an experimentation within an addiction medicine unit
  • +2
  • Sophie Paroz,
  • Jean-Bernard Daeppen,
  • Martine Monnat,
  • Michael Saraga,
  • Francesco Panese
Sophie Paroz
Lausanne University Hospital

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Jean-Bernard Daeppen
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Martine Monnat
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Michael Saraga
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Francesco Panese
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We experimented the methodology of cross self-confrontation (CSC) in a research aiming at exploring addiction-related clinical practice and related clinical difficulties. Our article presents the application of CSC in a specific clinical setting and illustrates through one example the method’s capacity to bring out tacit knowledge from daily clinical practice. Encountered challenges and comments addressing the application of CSC to research and education in clinical settings are presented.