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Indian Higher Education from the Lens of National Policy of Education (1986) and National Policy on Education (2016): A Comparative Study
  • Ishfaq Majid
Ishfaq Majid

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Higher education is considered as the part and parcel of education system. The Indian higher education system is getting better day by day. The Government of India while realizing the needs of today's generations brought NPE 1986. To enhance the functioning of higher education, recommendation was given. Many recommendations were implemented but some areas were left behind. To fill this gape, the GOI again in 2016 brought another policy of education. The policy paid special importance to the areas where the previous policy was lacking. The policy gave much attention towards the areas where it was felt that a change is necessary. But many areas where emphasis was necessary were not mentioned. The paper analyses the recommendation of NPE 1986 and 2016 in the field of higher education. It makes a comparative study of the recommendations in various aspects of higher education.