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The Consequences of Child Sexual Assault
  • Arif Rohman
Arif Rohman

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The understanding of the origin and nature of child sexual assault and its consequences is urgent. It benefits to child victims and helping institutions and the professionals who working in it. This article shows that child sexual assault basically was the product of patriarchal culture and sexist society which tend to marginalise the women and children’s position, by creating some myths to legitimise male sexual violence. The occurrence of child sexual assaults has many consequences on children including physical and mental health. Another consequence is they may have to involve themselves in a prosecution process. Therefore, it is very important to understand the victim’s problem. Understanding and giving sympathy to them during the making of reports to the police, during recovery from physical injuries and trauma, and during a prosecution process can help them to reach integration level and stability. The good coordination and collaboration between agencies and professionals can lead to the friendly services to the victims. Furthermore, children will not alone facing their problem during the recovery.