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Sex and Relationships Education for Special Educational Needs - An exploration of the quality of provision
  • Paul Bray
Paul Bray
Plymouth Marjons University

Corresponding Author:[email protected]

Author Profile


Mixed methods research; a new paradigm
Positivist - Quantitative *Pupil progress and assessment/attainment data. *Parental ‘check list’.*Questionnaires.
Anti- positivist - Interpretive Historical and documentary research Retrospective ex post facto research - Qualitative *Informal Interviews.*Literature review (including policy and curriculum guidance).
Anti- positivist - Participatory - Qualitative *Presentations. *Observation. *Informal discussions. *SRE ‘group’ sessions.
Anti- positivist - Investigative research - Qualitative *Observation. *Informal discussion.*SRE group work. *Parental workshops.
Anti- positivist - Pragmatism - Qualitative *Mixed Methods approach
Critical theory - Critical pedagogical - Ideology *Reflection on SRE for SEN *Schemes of Work and quality of SRE provision.
Critical theory - Reflective - Action research *Observation. *Informal discussions. *Pupil session discussions. *Assessments - planning ahead. *After course assessments – planning ahead. *Informal Interviews.

I am confident that permission, where needed, had been gained and that the rights of everyone taking part were upheld. I do not believe that there are any other ethical concerns to be addressed within this particular research study.
Other guidelines that were followed were;
Government Office for Science (2007) Rigour, Respect and Responsibility: A Universal Ethical Code for Scientists. http://www.bis.gov.uk/assets/BISPartners/GoScience/Docs/U/universal-ethical-code-scientists.pdf
Research Councils UK (2009) RCUK Policy and Code of Conduct on the Governance of Good Research Conduct: Integrity, Clarity and Good Management. http://www.rcuk.ac.uk/documents/reviews/grc/grcpoldraft.pdf [last accessed 10/01/12].
ESRC’s (2010) Framework for Research Ethics, to which the AHRC also refers. http://www.esrcsocietytoday.ac.uk/_images/Framework_for_Research_Ethics_tcm8-4586.pdf
The University of St Mark & St John’s ethics policy.