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Deterrence by Denial approach for the most known State Cyber Vulnerabilities
  • Nasser AlAzwani,
  • Tom Chen
Nasser AlAzwani
Sultan Qaboos University

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Cyber deterrence by denial strategy can be practised by the state by making it hard for adversaries to succeed any attempt of attacking. It was practised during nuclear deterrence strategies as well as in many other conventional deterrence. This paper argues the functionality of cyber deterrence by denial in deterring cyber threats. In this paper, our attempt is to define cyber deterrence by denial, model it, explore operational roles of cyber security technologies in approaching deterrence by denial within cyber space. Model analysis shed lights over practicing deterrence by denial and its vital role in understanding how efficiently denial can work in maximize failure of any attack which will impact in maximizing cost of cyber attacks to the attacker. Due to limitations in cyber security technologies, unknown cyber threat might not be deterred with assumed approach. Proposed model confirmed that deterrence by denial strategy might works in deterring known cyber threats within instrumental model. As for the benefit of enhancing deterrence in cyber space there is a serious need to reduce the tendency to ignore exploring this strategy.