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Towards a unified model for positive states, mindfulness and wellbeing
  • Simon Bloomfield
Simon Bloomfield

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A unified model of positive emotional expression, based on existing research, is presented. The proposed model is broader in scope, than a purely cognitive model (see Fig. 1); incorporating pro-social states can be induced directly through adaptive perceptual processes such as mirror-neuronal mechanisms, but whereby state expressions are modulated by adaptive fundamental cognitive evaluations (FCEs). It is proposed that these FCEs work in cohort to elicit emotional experience and prime the expressional potentiality of related affective states that share FCE dimensions. So that an individual experiencing kindness would be more likely to be disposed to feeling compassion or muditā (vicarious joy) - enabling appropriate onward social interaction.
It is proposed that the activation of FCEs are modulated by socio-cultural schema, including attitudinal scripts shared within a culture and reflected in heterogeneous trait patterns by cultural/geographical area. The role of mindful decentring from such schema, and the onward effect on FCE expression, is explored; specifically, in relation to states associated with Self-Determination Theory’s (SDT) motivational areas of competency, autonomy and relatedness.
A speculative model exploring the relationship between SDT, positive states; key aspect of mindfulness and HEXACO traits is presented as a spur for future discussion and study (see Fig. 2).