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  • +2
  • dudi iskandar,
  • Herik Kurniawan,
  • Deddy Mulyana,
  • Amin Aminudin,
  • Imas Fauzyah
dudi iskandar
Budi Luhur University

Corresponding Author:[email protected]

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Herik Kurniawan
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Deddy Mulyana
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Amin Aminudin
Author Profile
Imas Fauzyah
Author Profile


In the digital era, media convergence is a necessity. One form of convergence is journalistic convergence between television and social media. The three types of journalistic convergence are newsgathering, newsroom, and news content. This study aims to describe the process of journalistic convergence on four free to air televisions (iNews, RCTI, MNCTV, GTV) and social media (Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tiktok) which are under the auspices of the MNC Group in the era of the Covid-19 pandemic. Using a qualitative approach and a holistic single-type case study method, this study found, first, newsgathering convergence was used to sharpen the idea of ​​​​Covid-19 coverage. Excavation of coverage material is carried out together. The news angle becomes richer because each editor proposes coverage material. Second, newsroom convergence enriches the broadcast material because each television editor takes advantage of the superiority of its resources. The newsroom becomes a creative space so that content differentiation occurs. Third, through the convergence of news content, television news about Covid-19 is more varied. Fourth, the entire production team is required to be careful in making news because it will be amplified through social media. Through social media, MNC Group news has a wider reach. On the other hand, through social media, the public can provide input, control, and criticize all television news programs under the auspices of the MNC Group.