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favorisitsm scale devolopment for ship management
  • Aziz muslu
Aziz muslu

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The most important determinant of quality and safety in ship management is human resources. Personnel turnover rate, job satisfaction level of seafarers, organizational commitment, high level and individual well-being of the employees have an important role in ensuring quality and safety. In many investigor studies, it is seen in the results of research that favoritism increases job stress, personnel turnover rate and decreases job satisfaction, organizational commitment, motivation and teamwork Favoritism has a negative impact on safe and quality management of ships. Based on this importance, seafarers’ perceptions were measured, and it was aimed to develop a valid and reliable favoritism scale. The scale questions, which were prepared on the basis of semi-structured interviews and favoritism studies, were applied with 252 different seafarers. As a result of the factor analyses conducted in SPSS 23, a 22-item favoritism scale consisting of three factors related to demographic and personal characteristics, social rights and opportunities and operational processes was developed. The reliability and validity studies of the scale were conducted, and it was observed that the scale has high reliability. Amos 21 programında doğrulama çalışması yapılmıştır. Model uyum indekselerine göre ölçeğin 31. ve 32. ifadeler çıkarılarak yapısal eşitlik modelince kabul edilen değerlere sahip olduğu görülmüştür.