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Contesting Spaces and Civil resistance movements: A case study on India’s #FeeMustFall Movement
  • Mayank Mishra
Mayank Mishra
Jawaharlal Nehru University

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The paper intends to conduct a spatial reading of civil resistance movements taking Jawaharlal Nehru University’s (JNU) #FeeMustFall in India as the case study. Amidst penetration of neoliberal politics in public goods like health and education, the pay-per-user principle is not limited to the argument of efficiency of allocation of resources. It can be comprehended as the larger strategy of the ruling dispensation to deplatform dissent and homogenise state space on an ideological singularity catering to majoritarian and hegemonic nationalism. The paper shall focus on the spatial reading of civil resistance movements using Lefebvre’s characterisation of state space and Gramsci’s understanding of hegemony and nationalism locating in the context of JNU’s #FeeMustFall movement.
03 Apr 2023Published in Power and Education on pages 175774382211466. 10.1177/17577438221146650